Saturday, November 1, 2008

He's Never Going To Bluffton, South Carolina Again After Predatory Towing Incident Photo (They're dressed as CRABS)

Though Richard P. Wampler said he had fun beyond his wildest expectations at the "Arts & Seafood Festival," according to this article, he's never going to stop and spend money in Bluffton, South Carolina again because after parking in a place where parking appeared to be allowed, he spent the day at the festival mingling, watching his daughter create a ceramic piece, presumably eating some sea food...and then when he came back, the place where he parked had paper "no parking" signs added and his car was gone. Getting the vehicle back cost $200.

Wampler wrote a letter saying, in so many words, he will never come back to Bluffton, South Carolina.

You know, I see this kind of thing all the time: "towed at the festival," I call it. It happens when a bunch of people gather at some happy, usually ANNUAL event such as the Texas State Fair or a crayfish boil. Those are two examples from this blog which immediately come to mind.

So people go to the FESTIVE THING, they come back and, whoah, their car is gone. And, amazingly, all their fun is gone, too. Fun is often our MEMORY of fun. We spend relatively little time actually having fun. We spend a lot of time REMEMBERING how much fun we had. So when a towing incident happens, it's like you just got robbed of all your fun, because of how the fun day ended.

I hope people keep on writing letters to the editor when these things happen, because it seems to be the only way some public officials take notice of the fact they just lost years and years of tourist dollars, because they can't call off their big, metal, abusive and predatory towing dogs.

Oh, also...this information adds yet another new state to the Towing Utopia national road map. (Do not click "Read More.")
(Do not click "Read More")

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