Friday, December 26, 2008

My Little Letter Writing Campaigns About Predatory Towing Photo by Russell, A Victim Of
Predatory Towing In Hawaii

Hawaii's newspaper published my letter to the editor! (click here) SO COOL! Sometimes, truthfully, I don't even go back to check and find out if all the letters I'm firing off are getting published.

In regard to Hawaii: my father was at the attack on Pearl Harbor, and the "island paradise" is a place I've always wanted to visit. I would like to sit under a palm tree and read "From Here To Eternity."

But, hey, I wouldn't want to get my rental car towed, and have somebody at the impound lot turn me upside down and shake the coinage out of my pockets. I wouldn't want to take that long, dreary walk out to "Sand Island" where Edge Towing has set up shop, apparently to maximize its allowable mileage revenue, according to more than one witness.

I'm convinced predatory towing has taken root in Hawaii, based on things I'm turning up in my blog research. BEWARE if you plan to vacation in Hawaii.

(Do not click "Read More")

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